Farewall Speech.
Asalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
First of all, let me say thanks for giving me a chance to deliver my speech in this time in the front of you all now.
Ladies and gentleman, for the last one year, I have been a secretary in Language Boarding Division, or we usually called it UKM-BKM at STAIN Batusangkar. It is very hard job, but really challenges. I am still remeber when I was wrote my first latter, and I learned about how to make a good letter by using number for each letter. From the begining of my administration untill the end with the leader of UKM-BKM itself, I learned and got manything that I can not say it one by one.
For almost last one year, we work together with every divison in UKM-BKM. We work hard to make UKM-BKM progress than before. This year, we have held Debating Championship for all of Senior High School students in West Sumatra, beside we also held language party where was follow for all of the majority in STAIN Batusangkar in second semester students.
And in the half of this year, exactly on May, we have done study comparison with University of Sultan Syarif Kasim (UIN SUSKA) in Riau province, by has a willing to make UKM-BKM better than before.
Many events that UKM-BKM was held, and make UKM-BKM itself to be one of the popular organisation in STAIN Batusangkar. But the important point is UKM-BKM can not to be right now without your big effort. And I really hope, the member who will be the leader later be able to make UKM-BKM better and better than now.
So, Finally I want to say, dont give up to make UKM-BKM better and better than before, and Be the good organisation who will give something to the members. Thank you for attention. Asalamualaikum Wr.Wb
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